Landlines: A Timeline of Disney and Universal Parks’ Evolutions As Told By The “Lands” They Contain

You’ve stumbled on some “magic in the making!” This story is still under development. For now, only Gold and Platinum Members can preview the story while it’s “under construction”…

If you can comfortably do so, consider supporting ad-free, in-depth, clickbait-free theme park storytelling by joining the story at Park Lore! Otherwise, check back soon to read this brand new feature!

Stories in the Extra Features and Special Features collections of Park Lore are all about connections – they’re the threads that interlace between the Lost Legends, Declassified Disasters, Modern Marvels, and Possibilitylands you’ll find in our Main Collections. In other words, these features are for people who really want to dig deep.

This article and hundreds more are available for Gold and Platinum Members who help support this ad-free, clickbait-free, quality-over-quantity collection with a monthly membership. Park Lore Members can access more than a hundred Member-exclusive articles, unlock rare concept art and construction photos in every story, stream audio across the site, tune into podcast exclusives, and receive an annual member card and merch in the mail!

If you choose to join Park Lore’s community of Gold and Platinum Members, you’ll instantly unlock this story (and of course, a lot more). You can learn more about joining and supporting Park Lore (and browse all the available Extras and Special Features) in the “Memberships & Perks” menu above. If you can’t afford a Pass, please contact us; we’ll make some magic happen.

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DE-SPARKED: 3 Legendary Coasters That Lost Their Most Iconic Features Forever

Roller coasters come in all shapes, sizes, seating arrangements, and styles… But the best coasters – the ones that people remember – always have something extra. A “secret sauce”;  a “spark” that makes them memorable, interesting, and unique. From launches to inversions; freefall drops to dark ride sections; switch tracks to broken records, those “sparks” are special. So what happens when they disappear?

Today, we’ve collected a list of three iconic, landmark coasters… that all lost just a bit of their “spark” when a major change saw the end of an era… Though these rides will forever be icons in the story of roller coasterdom and the minds of thrill ride enthusiasts, their tales always come with a caveat about the “thing” that went missing from each…

Did you get to experience any of these three rides? Before or after their “spark” was dulled? Let us know in the comments below…

Stories in the Extra Features and Special Features collections of Park Lore are all about connections – they’re the threads that interlace between the Lost Legends, Declassified Disasters, Modern Marvels, and Possibilitylands you’ll find in our Main Collections. In other words, these features are for people who really want to dig deep.

This article and hundreds more are available for Gold and Platinum Members who help support this ad-free, clickbait-free, quality-over-quantity collection with a monthly membership. Park Lore Members can access more than a hundred Member-exclusive articles, unlock rare concept art and construction photos in every story, stream audio across the site, tune into podcast exclusives, and receive an annual member card and merch in the mail!

If you choose to join Park Lore’s community of Gold and Platinum Members, you’ll instantly unlock this story (and of course, a lot more). You can learn more about joining and supporting Park Lore (and browse all the available Extras and Special Features) in the “Memberships & Perks” menu above. If you can’t afford a Pass, please contact us; we’ll make some magic happen.

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Inside Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser – Where Guests REALLY Spent Their Two Days on the Secretive Halcyon

Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser was supposed to be unlike anything Disney Imagineers had ever designed before. Not a hotel, but a totally immersive, two night Star Wars adventure. It was a bold, ambitious plan that most Disney fans seemed to think was at least a clever experiment… until they discovered the price. Just before the Starcruiser opened, our friends at Theme…

Stories in the Extra Features and Special Features collections of Park Lore are all about connections – they’re the threads that interlace between the Lost Legends, Declassified Disasters, Modern Marvels, and Possibilitylands you’ll find in our Main Collections. In other words, these features are for people who really want to dig deep.

This article and hundreds more are available for Gold and Platinum Members who help support this ad-free, clickbait-free, quality-over-quantity collection with a monthly membership. Park Lore Members can access more than a hundred Member-exclusive articles, unlock rare concept art and construction photos in every story, stream audio across the site, tune into podcast exclusives, and receive an annual member card and merch in the mail!

If you choose to join Park Lore’s community of Gold and Platinum Members, you’ll instantly unlock this story (and of course, a lot more). You can learn more about joining and supporting Park Lore (and browse all the available Extras and Special Features) in the “Memberships & Perks” menu above. If you can’t afford a Pass, please contact us; we’ll make some magic happen.

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Coaster Yard Sale: Where We Hope California’s Great America’s Soon-To-Be Abandoned Rides End Up Next…

By now you’ve probably heard the news… for the first time in many, many years, a major theme park in the United States is going to be wiped off the map.

To be fair, the future of California’s Great America has always been in doubt. Located in the country’s hottest real estate market (California’s Bay Area) and inconveniently sharing a parking lot with a local football stadium who’d like very much to expand, Great America has found itself between a rock and a hard place quite a few times over its nearly fifty year life.

Stories in the Extra Features and Special Features collections of Park Lore are all about connections – they’re the threads that interlace between the Lost Legends, Declassified Disasters, Modern Marvels, and Possibilitylands you’ll find in our Main Collections. In other words, these features are for people who really want to dig deep.

This article and hundreds more are available for Gold and Platinum Members who help support this ad-free, clickbait-free, quality-over-quantity collection with a monthly membership. Park Lore Members can access more than a hundred Member-exclusive articles, unlock rare concept art and construction photos in every story, stream audio across the site, tune into podcast exclusives, and receive an annual member card and merch in the mail!

If you choose to join Park Lore’s community of Gold and Platinum Members, you’ll instantly unlock this story (and of course, a lot more). You can learn more about joining and supporting Park Lore (and browse all the available Extras and Special Features) in the “Memberships & Perks” menu above. If you can’t afford a Pass, please contact us; we’ll make some magic happen.

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Lessons Learned from 5 Recent Imagineering Projects That All Had a (Different) Fatal Flaw…

Ah, the “Disney Bubble”… The invisible – but very real – iridescent dome that hovers over Walt Disney World and Disneyland is a thing of legend. Once you’re inside the “Disney Bubble,” the real world seems very, very far away.  But over the last several years, we’ve seen disappointing and distressing moves at Disney that…

Stories in the Extra Features and Special Features collections of Park Lore are all about connections – they’re the threads that interlace between the Lost Legends, Declassified Disasters, Modern Marvels, and Possibilitylands you’ll find in our Main Collections. In other words, these features are for people who really want to dig deep.

This article and hundreds more are available for Gold and Platinum Members who help support this ad-free, clickbait-free, quality-over-quantity collection with a monthly membership. Park Lore Members can access more than a hundred Member-exclusive articles, unlock rare concept art and construction photos in every story, stream audio across the site, tune into podcast exclusives, and receive an annual member card and merch in the mail!

If you choose to join Park Lore’s community of Gold and Platinum Members, you’ll instantly unlock this story (and of course, a lot more). You can learn more about joining and supporting Park Lore (and browse all the available Extras and Special Features) in the “Memberships & Perks” menu above. If you can’t afford a Pass, please contact us; we’ll make some magic happen.

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Into the Unknown: A Study of Kings Dominion’s “Jungle X-Pedition” as a Model For Regional Theme Park Storytelling

For many grown-up entertainment industry aficionados, there’s a lesson learned early on the discussion boards and forums that shape us into the fans we are: that there exists a great, inherent, and impassable schism between “regional parks” and “destination parks”; thrills and storytelling; amusement parks and theme parks.  Yep, for those of us who grew…

Stories in the Extra Features and Special Features collections of Park Lore are all about connections – they’re the threads that interlace between the Lost Legends, Declassified Disasters, Modern Marvels, and Possibilitylands you’ll find in our Main Collections. In other words, these features are for people who really want to dig deep.

This article and hundreds more are available for Gold and Platinum Members who help support this ad-free, clickbait-free, quality-over-quantity collection with a monthly membership. Park Lore Members can access more than a hundred Member-exclusive articles, unlock rare concept art and construction photos in every story, stream audio across the site, tune into podcast exclusives, and receive an annual member card and merch in the mail!

If you choose to join Park Lore’s community of Gold and Platinum Members, you’ll instantly unlock this story (and of course, a lot more). You can learn more about joining and supporting Park Lore (and browse all the available Extras and Special Features) in the “Memberships & Perks” menu above. If you can’t afford a Pass, please contact us; we’ll make some magic happen.

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