During the ’90s, one of the most enduring battles of all time was waged right before our eyes: the Coaster Wars. As ride manufacturers and the most daring theme park operators raced to build taller, faster, and more extreme rides, thrill-seekers found themselves surrounded in new record-breakers year after year. With unthinkable innovations, new ride technologies, and cutting edge coasters debuting, it seemed that the Coaster Wars Crown could be anyone’s…
Starfall Racers: A Glimpse Into the Stellar Dueling and Dancing Coaster Coming to Universal Epic Universe
When Universal Epic Universe opens by Summer 2025, the first fans through the turnstiles will sure have a lot of bucket list items to check off. Without a doubt, many will race to Super Nintendo World – the next “Living Land” in Disney and Universal’s back-and-forth theme park battles. Fans of the classics might make a beeline to the Dark Universe – a village populated by Universal’s monsters of the ’30s and ’40s. Families will no doubt race to the Isle of Berk to learn how to train a dragon. Potterheads will instead head for Place Cachée – a 1920s Paris drawn from the Wizarding World.
But like Islands of Adventure before it, the immersive worlds of Epic Universe will also be accentuated by something a little louder: a cutting edge, iconic set of roller coasters. While Universal has barely acknowledged that Epic Universe is happening at all, they haven’t been able to hide their newest thrill ride – a pair of intertwined racing coasters that will dominate the new park’s celestial hub.
TRON’s Construction Will Have Taken 1,875 Days… But It’s Not the ONLY Long-Delayed Theme Park Ride Out There…
Five years. 1,875 days. That’s how much time will have passed between the first signs of construction for TRON Lightcycle Run on February 14, 2018 and its official opening on April 4, 2023.
For those of us who’ve seen TRON’s construction start and stop, ebb and flow, speed up and slow down, every day of the last five years has felt something like a big joke with us as the punchline… Why can’t Disney just open its cloned copy of an already existing off-the-shelf roller coaster in a box? It’s understandable to feel that TRON Lightcycle Run represents an agonizing new low when it comes to the time it takes to build a theme park attraction.
The Disney100 Road Trip: A Cross-Country Checklist of Landmarks Celebrating Walt Disney’s Life and Legacy
With iridescent platinum decor dripped across Disneyland, the Disney100 celebration has officially launched. Commemorating “100 Years of Wonder” (since the 1923 founding of The Walt Disney Studios), Disney100 is something more than another entry in Disney’s tradition of annual theme park campaigns; it’s a company-wide initiative meant to reflect on Disney’s past and re-orient it toward a new tomorrow.
Of course, born in the era of recently-former CEO Bob Chapek’s franchise-focused era when the synergy flywheel spun, it’s worth stepping back from the modern, mega-sized standard of the Walt Disney Company and remembering how it all started.
Disney Parks Quiz: Can You Identify These 15 Disney Coasters Based Only On Their Layouts?
Walt Disney might not have expected it himself, but today, more than 50 years after Disneyland opened its first one, roller coasters have become integral elements of every single Disney Park on Earth. Seriously, some of the most iconic, beloved, and classic rides at Disney’s theme parks are – fundamentally – thrill rides.
Between its dozen theme parks, Disney operates a substantial collection of coasters – 34 in all. Today, we wanted to dip our toes into the world of Disney Parks’ roller coaster by quizzing you on fifteen of them. For each of the selected coasters below, we’ll show their layout (hand-drawn by me, complete with the direction of train travel), then provide three hints… When you think you know, check out the “Answer” for each one.
The Coaster Crown Countdown: Which Parks Have The Most Coasters? Maybe Not The Ones You’d Expect…
For decades, few rivalries could top that of the battle for the “Coaster Capital of the World” crown. Seriously, in the ’90s and 2000s – with the Coaster Wars raging and park operators at their hungriest for new thrills – it was anyone’s guess which park would tout having the most roller coasters on Earth any given season. That record was batted back and forth between Cedar Fair and Six Flags parks, each racing to build taller, faster, steeper, and – most importantly today – more roller coasters.
Now that the chaos of the Coaster Wars have largely subsided, it’s probably a good time to pause and look at the industry today. Which parks actually ended up with the biggest coaster counts? You may be surprised…
EPCOT40: New and Nostalgic Ways To See, Hear, and Feel “Classic EPCOT” in the Park, Four Decades Later…
Whether you first visited EPCOT in the ’80s, ’90s, 2000s, or 2010s, a trip to the park today would tell you that EPCOT’s story has been a complex one. EPCOT is a park rooted in the past and perpetually tasked by the present to envision a future we now inhabit. At nearly every step of its life, it’s battled between what it was, is, and could be. Somewhere between being hopelessly retro and hopelessly futuristic, the park has been the subject of fan debate for decades, even as piecemeal updates, changes, replacements, and character injections have tried to balance EPCOT’s thrills, entertainment, and family appeal.
We all know that in 2019, Disney officially launched a California-Adventure-sized reimagining of EPCOT, committing billions of dollars and at least a half-decade of focused attention to Walt Disney World’s second gate. It’s unlikely than any singular vision for EPCOT could ever balance the whims of fans who recall its intellectually ambitious origin, executives who have long detested its lack of character, and guests who have long been caught between the park’s competing identities.
Get To Know MCO: 6 Stories, Secrets, and Surprises From The Orlando International Airport
Orlando International Airport. For most theme park fans, it’s the literal gateway to the Magic Kingdom; a waypoint to EPCOT; the official start of a Disney Cruise; a stopover en route to Universal Orlando… and at the end of a trip, the depressing portal back to reality. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably passed through the Orlando International Airport yourself! But how much do you really know about “MCO” and how it connects to Disney World literally and metaphorically?

Today, we’ll take a look at a few of the surprising stories you may not know about Orlando International Airport, as well as dig into the oddities and features of this airport that you know and love. Take your seats; place tray-tables in their upright and locked position, please, as we take off into the true stories of MCO… Speaking of which…
“It’ll Never Work!” 5 Now-Hilarious Things Walt’s 1950s Competitors Said About Disneyland & Why They Were Wrong
Today, the top three most-visited theme parks on Earth are all “Disneylands.” Just about every park built “A.D.” (that is, After Disneyland) borrow in one form or another from its model, layout, or attractions. So it’s easy to forget that once upon a time, Disneyland was a risk… one that industry experts were certain was doomed to fail.
Our friends at The Park Database compiled a very interesting list of quotes from Walt’s very own 1950s competitors shared at a Buzz Price focus group. In retrospect, obviously, these amusement park operators’ ideas about what would and wouldn’t work about Disneyland are downright hilarious… but they’re also very telling.
Pixie Dust and Priorities: The Strategic Focus We’d Pick for Each of Disney’s Theme Parks Going Forward
Disney Parks really are magical, happy places. But ask any fan and they’ll tell you – they’re far from perfect.
Don’t take it from us – Walt agreed! The idea that “Disneyland will never be complete” or the power of “moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things…” It all comes down to the idea that there are always ways to “plus” the parks we love.
Today, we wanted to highlight the one big way we think Disney could bring each of its six U.S. theme parks to the next level. We’re not saying these “fixes” would be easy, but in terms of the path to improve each park, these feel like must-haves. What do you think? What other big, strategic changes would make your favorite theme park a better place to be?