4. The Hidden Mickey you’ve probably stepped on…

This search starts where the Skyliner lands:
a palm-lined walk where a landmark stands.
Passing through, it’s all glamor and glitz;
Step down a street as real as it gets,
including the icon – a perfect impression
Of a Golden Age theater (of recent succession).
As you walk on the plaza before its curved house,
You’re standing on top of a very large mouse.
Take a look from above at the markings around
And consider that lake – so perfectly round –
Or the circle nose planter and dark cement grin
That reminds you who started the park that you’re in.
5. The Hidden Mickey you might never have considered…

You’ll start this search a whole world away.
Not in the parks, but in a place to stay!
For most guests to Disneyland way back out West,
Staying “off-site” is typically best.
It’s a short walk to travel to both Disney’s parks,
So let’s take that quick trip in search of landmarks.
Walk east down Katella toward bright Pixar Pier.
(It’s wild how close to the parks you are here.)
Hook a left and head north up Disneyland Drive.
Yep, just that simple! You’ve already arrived!
But the pathway ahead bows outward so wide,
then confusingly circles ’round a planter inside.
The shortest route ‘tween two points is always a line,
“So why this unusual sidewalk?” you whine.
But when seen from above, with its mirrored pair
This strange bit of sidewalk’s a mouse from the air.

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