Mini to Massive: How Disney’s BIGGEST (and Smallest) Parks Measure Up

Discerning Disney Parks fans are known to critique and analyze all aspects of the parks they love: their style, their stories, their smarts… But what about their size? From miniscule to massive, Disney Parks come in all shapes and sizes… but does size matter?

On our cross-continental tour today, we’ll stop by each of the 12 Disney Parks on Earth to take their measurements. Sometimes, Disney’s official numbers don’t quite add up… That’s why we’ve used simple acreage calculator maps when we need to to get closer to the real figures about just how big (or not) these parks are. Our ultimate agreement? We measure the simplest shape of a park – including its showbuildings and behind-the-scenes facilities – but excluding parking lots and empty expansion pads (which you’d think Disney would exclude, too, but they don’t always). 

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“Once Upon a Ride…” Where Thrills and Theme Unite in the 21st Century Era of the “Story Coaster”

UNDER REFURBISHMENT! You know I love to keep things fresh around here, and as a result, this feature is currently under construction! As I finish up edits over the next few days, you may encounter outdated information, repeated or disjointed sections, or “past perspectives” that refer to current events in the future tense. If you don’t mind sifting through some rough edges, I think you’ll still enjoy it… and check back soon for a fully refurbished story!

If you ask Universal Orlando, the 2019 opening of Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure at Universal’s Islands of Adventure represents not just a reset (ending Universal’s long-time dependence on screens and simulators), but the dawn of a new era: the age of the “story coaster.” Is the new Wizarding World E-Ticket the first? Well…

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Coffeeland: 8 Ways Disney and Universal Parks Disguise Starbucks in Plain Sight

If you were to ask his friends and family what Walt Disney was, you might get any number of answers: an animator; an artist; a dreamer; an optimist; a futurist… But that’s not all…

According to the fantastic Eat Like Walt by Marcy Carriker Smothers, Walt was also a restauranteur – a man experimenting right at the height of mid-century middle class American dining, introducing the idea that food and fun could go together; that food was full of color and fantasy; that food could be an integral part of the story of each of Disneyland’s themed areas.

Image: Disney

However, there was one area where even Walt wasn’t willing to mess around: coffee. As the story goes, Walt decreed back in 1955 that Disneyland would always offer a cup of coffee for ten-cents and not a penny more. And in fact, coffee in the park did cost only a dime until Walt’s death in 1966. Those days, of course, are long gone…

Continue reading “Coffeeland: 8 Ways Disney and Universal Parks Disguise Starbucks in Plain Sight”

7 Weird Disney Parks Things Fans Just “Get” But Must Leave First-Timers With Questions…

If you’ve been a Disney Parks fan for long enough, there are certain things that are just facts; there are deeply layered reasons and nuances to explain why things are the way that they are. And because frequent visitors come to understand the methods behind the madness, we become blind to… well… weird things

Don’t believe us? Here are 7 things that Disney Parks fans just seem to understand or ignore, but that first-time guests must be totally bamboozled by. Put yourself into the shoes of a first-timer and imagine how strange some of these must be for someone who doesn’t have the history or context behind them!

Continue reading “7 Weird Disney Parks Things Fans Just “Get” But Must Leave First-Timers With Questions…”

Lost Lands: 12 Areas Axed from Disney and Universal Parks (and What Replaced Them)

Year after year, it seems that more and more classic attractions and beloved fan-favorite rides enter our Lost Legends collection, replaced by hotter, fresher, and newer stories. In fact, fans have gotten used to saying goodbye to rides.

But throughout the history of Disney and Universal’s theme parks, there have also been rare times when entire themed lands disappear off the map – literally. Today, we’re collecting a list of twelve lost lands you may remember. In fact, you may have even stepped foot in these axed areas! Some of these replacements may be obvious improvements… Others may make you wish for a time machine to experience the classics of yesteryear one more time.

Continue reading “Lost Lands: 12 Areas Axed from Disney and Universal Parks (and What Replaced Them)”

Living Legends – The Surprising Number of “Opening Day Originals” Left at Each Disney Park

Here at Park Lore, we’re always looking to see our favorite theme parks in new ways. That’s why we reported (and continuously update) a number of sometimes-surprising features that just may have you seeing Disney and Universal parks differently…

For Imagineering afficianados, we’ve broken down Disney and Universal parks by the numbers in two must-read features that are downright surprising: we ranked Disneyland, Disney World, and Universal Orlando’s parks by the number of certifiable “E-Ticket” anchor attractions each park offers (which do you think has the most? The least?) and, even more shockingly, broke it down to the sheer number of rides at each park… with some unexpected results…!

Continue reading “Living Legends – The Surprising Number of “Opening Day Originals” Left at Each Disney Park”

By The Numbers: The Surprising Number of E-Ticket Attractions at Each Disney Park

They are the Holy Grail of theme park attractions – astounding, breathtaking, spectacular rides both classic and modern. When you imagine the most amazing experiences at Disney and Universal parks, it’s probably E-Ticket attractions you picture: the coveted, beloved, fan-favorite, larger-than-life masterpiece rides that command spectacular crowds and engage generations. 

Here at Park Lore, we took a global tour of Disney and Universal parks in our Ride Count Countdown to explore the number of rides each park – and ultimately, resort – offered (with some major surprises along the way). We’ve also explored the parks “By the Numbers” with specific counts of how many dark rides and Opening Day Originals each park offers! But how would our rankings change if we instead looked only at the so-called “E-Ticket” headliners?

Continue reading “By The Numbers: The Surprising Number of E-Ticket Attractions at Each Disney Park”

16 ‘Easter Eggs’ of Closed Classics Hidden in the Rides that Replaced Them

As long-time Disney and Universal fans know all too well, even the most beloved rides don’t last forever. In fact, Imagineering aficionados may have already scoured our collection of Lost Legends – the definitive, full stories of forgotten fan favorites and closed classics from around the globe – or taken a look at our Then & Now collection of hand-drawn, before-and-after layouts as rides are swapped out.

Those stories are evidence that, time and time again, sometimes attractions simply disappear. … Or do they? Over their decades of experience removing rides that guests have come to know and love, designers have gotten pretty good at leaving behind hints. 

Today, we’ll take a look at some of our favorite hidden “Easter egg” hints of forgotten rides scattered around Disney and Universal Parks inside the rides that replaced them… These clever remnants are like mini-memorials to the beloved rides of yesteryear… if you know where to look. 

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7 “How’d They Do That?” Theme Park Special Effects That Amaze Us Every Time

At the end of the day, theme parks are in the business of deception. Of course, we don’t mean shoddy business practices and questionable pricing schemes. We mean that, from the earliest days, rides have sought to bamboozle and impress riders with simple tricks. Just using light, sound, and special effects, stories can come to life in awe-inspiring moments that cause guests to say, “How’d they do that?!”

Here, we’ve collected 10 of the most confounding special effects we could think of from today’s big rides. We’re sure there are others, but we’re just too speechless right now to think of them. For a few of these special effects, we’re able to give you a little insight into how they work. For others, we’re just not sure.

Either way, we’ve linked each entry to a YouTube video fast-forwarded to the special effect’s starring moment, as well as any behind-the-scenes videos we could uncover that explain the effect. It should go without saying that major spoilers lay beyond, in the videos and in the entries. If you’d rather not know, don’t read a word farther. Still with us? Okay. Read on and tell us which of these secrets left you speechless and which were easy enough to know in your first ride-through.

Do you love armchair Imagineering, in-depth storytelling, and seeing the theme parks we love differently? Park Lore is an ad-free, quality-over-quantity, one-person project centered on building a world-class collection of the interconnected stories of theme park attractions, design projects, and industry explorations.

This feature is one that’s usually locked in our Member Vault, where Park Lore patrons can find hand-drawn art, armchair Imagineering walkthroughs, and other in-depth Special Features, as well as quick-read, just-for-fun Extra Features. Thanks to supporting Members, this feature is temporarily unlocked as a preview!

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1. The Disappearing Idol

Attraction: Tower of Terror at Tokyo DisneySea
What Guests See: Video 
How It Works: Video

New Years Eve, 1899. The boisterous Harrison Hightower III – proprietor of New York’s fabled Hightower Hotel – is throwing his annual New Years Eve gala to celebrate the scores of ancient artifacts he’s “collected” (read: stolen) over the course of the year. His newest find is the supposedly-cursed African idol, Shiriki Utundu. Mr. Hightower, though, is not afraid of the idol’s legend. To prove it, he puts his cigar out on Shiriki’s head before retiring to his penthouse. Suffice it to say, the elevator never made it to the thirteenth story…

Now, it’s the 1920s. New York is roaring, but the Hightower Hotel still sits, windows smashed and abandoned, overlooking the city’s harbor. To save the historic hotel from the wrecking ball, the New York Preservation Society is running tours of the so-called “Tower of Terror,” including a look into Hightower’s Hotel, where Shiriki still stands on an elegant marble column over his desk.

This, of course, is the pre-show for Tokyo DisneySea’s one-of-a-kind Modern Marvel: Tower of Terror, replacing the Twilight Zone-tinged “library” scene in the other two Towers worldwide… but something here is different. After a stained glass window comes to life and tells the tale, Shiriki awakens. As eerie music-box music plays, his eyes scan the crowd. Shiriki cackles and the lights dim, leaving only its Cheshire Cat-like smile as the rest of its body turns to stars. In a micro-second, the lights come up and Shiriki is gone, ready to meet you farther into the hotel. 

HOW IT WORKS – Tap to expand

How It Works: The surprising effect is surprisingly simple. As you might imagine, the Shiriki Utundu statue disappears by sinking down into the pedestal. What’s impressive here is the mix of light, sound, and projection that makes the disappearance silent, seamless, and spooky. In person, it’s sincerely a stunning event that feels inexplicable.

2. The 40-Story Freefall

Image: Universal / Marvel

Attraction: The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man (Universal’s Islands of Adventure)
What Guests See: Video

That dastardly Doc Ock and his Sinister Syndicate are at it again. This time, they’ve stolen the Statue of Liberty thanks to a glowing green Antigravity Cannon. When you stumble (loudly) into their secret warehouse, the villains race off to stop you from escaping with their secrets. As Doc Ock fires, he levitates Lady Liberty’s giant glowing head directly over you as you narrowly escape. But not for long. The ride’s exciting conclusion sees the good Doctor hit his target, as your helpless SCOOP begins to rise up through the skyscrapers with Spider-Man webbing helplessly after.

Ultimately, what goes up must come down, and after a ringside floating seat to Spidey’s showdown, the Antigravity Cannon reverses. The SCOOP slams against a rooftops and ricochets, falling precariously to the earth below as riders scream and grab for the safety restraint. Of course, a last-minute web catches you as you hurtle down and plops you back onto the road for a congratulatory finale.

Image: Universal / Marvel


How It Works: Despite appearances, the big, 400 foot finale fall in Universal’s starring anchor attraction and Modern Marvel: The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man only moves guests a few inches. The convincing trick of the “simulated freefall” might be common now thanks to its re-use on Transformers, Reign of Kong, Escape from Gringotts, the Lost Legend: Curse of DarKastle, and Ratatouille: The Adventure, but Spider-Man was the first, and its signature finale still genuinely wows audiences for its precision effectiveness.

The sophisticated process begins with the levitation, wherein air, dropping physical set pieces, and precise, subtle “weightless” motion simultation combine with screens to produce a surprisingly effective feeling of rising. Sideways sets lead to a wrap-around two-story screen that envelopes the SCOOP, leaving riders completely captive to the illusion as perfectly programmed motion, wind, and and leaning, swinging, slamming vehicle base give the sincere impression of a weightless fall. All it takes are a few physical effects and your mind fills in the rest!

3. The Vortex

Attraction: Poseidon’s Fury (Universal’s Islands of Adventure)
What Guests See: The Vortex Opens

Image: Universal

What begins as a leisurely tour of an archaeological discovery goes horribly wrong when an evil high priest awakens from his cursed slumber, trapping guests in an ancient sacrificial chamber to the Dark Ones. The only way to escape is to find Poseidon’s Trident – the lost relic of the great god of the seas that will grant passage deeper into the temple; to the heart of the ocean. With Trident in hand, an ancient goddess opened the long-sealed connection to the seas: “Open up your oceans, swing wide the door! Let the waters rush and the oceans roar! For now is the time, with fortune unplanned, your Trident comes home – returned to your hand.”

As music crescendoes and the ancient stone tumblers of a circular portal lock into place, a door rolls aside, revealing the Vortex – a 40-foot-long tunnel formed by a tidal wave overtaking it, creating a continuous passage of water swirling infinitely around guests. The incredible, awe-inspiring effect is at the heart of the Declassified Disaster: Poseidon’s Fury, and as our in-depth look into the attraction reveals, it’s the reason Poseidon’s Fury exists at all.


How It Works: Poseidon’s Fury – and especially its iconic Vortex – was one piece of the pie that gave Islands of Adventure its “most technologically advanced theme park on Earth” moniker when the park opened in 1999. However, the effect was years in development by special effects company Technifex before its debut.

The effect is achieved by blasting water at 100 miles per hour (the speed needed for it to adhere to the tunnel’s wide diameter) as guests step along a bridge through the center. You can touch the water, but it’ll blast your hand right back out. The effect is totally stunning and the attraction’s absolute highlight.

8 Spectacular Never-Built Lands at Disney Theme Parks That You’ll Wish You Could Visit

Fantasyland, Cars Land, Tomorrowland… Glacier Bay? If park icons are the heart of Disney Parks, themed lands are the bones and joints! One of the basic tennents of Disneyland that set it apart from the amusement piers of the era was its lands that recreated idealized time periods and places brought to life in agonizing detail, almost like stepping onto a film set. (And that’s no coincidence… Walt was careful to hire filmmakers, writers, and urban planners to design and build Disneyland, a process that continues today as Imagineering.)

But not every land makes it off the drawing board! Be it budgets, replacement ideas, or frustrated Imagineers, some lands simply don’t take off, despite fan outcry and passionate designers. Let’s take a look at eight of the coolest lands that Disney planned or even announced, only to change its mind and cancel at the last possible second.

Continue reading “8 Spectacular Never-Built Lands at Disney Theme Parks That You’ll Wish You Could Visit”