Es war einmal… Der var engang… Il était une fois… Había una vez… 很久很久以前 … Once upon a time… For a thousand years and in practically as many languages, those words have been passed like heirlooms from one generation to the next; centuries of invitations into worlds that never were but always will be. Tales of little mermaids, sleeping beauties, princesses and frogs, snow queens, and magic lamps have been told, retold, written, assembled, reimagined, and shared for a millennium. Today, though, these legends transcend their cross-cultural origins and take on their most iconic forms as part of one collection: Walt Disney Animation.
From Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs through Frozen and beyond, Disney’s catalogue of fairytale adaptations haven’t just been childhood-defining cinematic classics; they’ve become the definitive versions of fables for generations. Like the stories they’re born from, Disney’s enchanting animated fables feel altogether timeless, even as they evolve to showcase new artistry, new talents, and new messages for new ages.

But among Disney’s pantheon of folktale-inspired favorites, there’s no single period that can match the ‘90s when – under cinematic new leadership, Disney could do no wrong. Releasing hit after hit after hit at the box office, the boundaries of animation were quite literally redrawn. It’s a tale tailor made for our Special Features collection, where we explore the interconnected stories that shape the themed entertainment industry, from the Rise of the Simulator to the Ride the Movies era; the massive mythology of S.E.A. to the “Pixarification” of Disney Parks.
And since all great tales begin with “Once Upon a Time,” know that this entry is merely the prologue… In it, we’ll trace the story of Disney animation from the origin of fairy tales to Walt’s “first princesses,” then onward through the “Dark Age” of Disney Animation and to the rising dawn that came after… However, it’s in our The Disney Renaissance, Part II Special Feature that we’ll finally arrive at the nine blockbuster hits of the ’90s and explore the princesses, parks, and pop culture they shaped… So settle in and let the story begin…